Substance Use Services


Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone with a drinking problem.

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Alateen is a place where teen members come together to:

  • share experiences, strength, and hope with each other to find effective ways to cope with problems.
  • discuss difficulties and encourage one another
  • help each other understand the principles of the Al-Anon program through the use of the Twelve Steps and Alateen’s Twelve Traditions

 Alateen Chat

Chat live with other teens! Young people aged 13 to 18 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking are invited to share experience, strength, and hope with other teens.

Chat meetings are moderated, and teens can only chat when the adult Alateen Group Sponsors are present. At this time, chat meetings can only be accessed on a computer (rather than on mobile devices).


Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.


Reopening Meeting Spaces for A.A. Meetings Safely

Cleveland AA Meetings Go Online


Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous is a global, community-based organization with a multilingual and multicultural membership. NA was founded in 1953, and members hold nearly 76,000 meetings weekly in 143 countries today.